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Executive Summary

A starting point for communities and police departments to work together to achieve policing reform in the 21st century. 

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Community Policing

A large body of evidence shows that people in communities that have collaborative partnerships with police feel safer

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Bias-Free Policing

To reduce and mitigate the effects of bias in policing, departments and communities should confront the current reality, and long history, of racism and discrimination in America and its impact on individuals, families, communities, and society.

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Stops, Searches, and Arrests

To integrate the values of community policing, departments need policies and practices that serve and protect the interests of communities.

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The Use of Force

Policies that set clear expectations about the use of force, as well as training in how to reduce and mitigate it, improve public safety and strengthen community relationships.

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Responding to Crises

By providing adequate prevention, support, and referral services, departments and communities can divert people with mental health and developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and substance use orders, from the criminal justice system.

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The First Amendment and Free Speech

To respect and protect the public’s First Amendment rights while ensuring safe public assemblies departments must adopt policies and practices that uphold these values.

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To demonstrate a commitment to fair, safe, and effective policing at the highest professional standards, department leaders should adopt fact-finding and disciplinary processes that are just, thorough, transparent, and timely

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Data, Information, and Video Footage

Data collection allows communities and departments to analyze the effects of policies and practices, and to change them if they are ineffective or disproportionately affect particular communities.

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Leadership and Culture

Without strong leadership, what’s taught through policies and training, and broader police reform, won’t take hold.

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Police departments should prioritize the recruitment, hiring, and retention of community serviceminded officers

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Academy and In-Service Training

When focused on best practices to reduce harm, both physical and psychological, and keep community relations intact, training is the most effective and direct means of shaping officers who protect the public and preserve public safety.

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Officer Health, Wellbeing, and Safety

Officers who are equipped to handle stress at work and at home are more likely to make better decisions on the job and have positive interactions with community members.

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To realize a vision of public safety that respects and protects human life and ensures safety for all, communities and police departments should work together to advance 21st-century best practices.

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